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Requests for cam play
投稿日:2020年 9月 16日 11:26 pm
最終更新日時:2022年 3月 28日 7:20 pm
5137 回の閲覧
If I were to schedule a particular time and date to be online on cam to play, 1) Would I have may viewers? 2) I would love to take requests and fulfill a few while broadcasting.

If you would like to watch, please leave a comment and or a request. I will post the date and time once I see if I have any interest.
15 コメント
It should not be this difficult
投稿日:2020年 5月 7日 3:03 am
最終更新日時:2022年 3月 28日 7:21 pm
4798 回の閲覧

I can't believe how hard it is to get 4 or 5 men that will show up to have their way with at the same time (gangbang).. I have soooooo many message me, say they are going to show, and then don't show, or do show but can't perform.

I get I'm not the prettiest or sexiest female, but I didn't think I was hideous. IT REALLY messes with your confidence.
3 コメント
Looking for suggestions
投稿日:2019年 1月 16日 2:04 am
最終更新日時:2022年 3月 22日 12:13 am
6050 回の閲覧

Needing suggestions for next video. Please keep in mind, that I record and play alone. Woul love suggestions that are somewhat humiliating and painful
8 コメント
Please be brutally honest
投稿日:2019年 1月 16日 1:57 am
最終更新日時:2022年 5月 26日 4:07 am
6671 回の閲覧
Please rate me 1 to 10 on my body.
14 コメント

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