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North Texas Alternative Forum

Greetings everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to look into this group. As your moderator I want to tell you a little about what I was thinking when I put this group together.

I have been in this lifestyle for four years now and have run across many different people with many differing ideas on what this lifestyle is about. In several cases I have been a submissive, a Master and finally a counselor for the people I have met. I actually have a degree in business and psychology and I enjoy talking to people about this lifestyle. So I have decided to make a commitment to just that…working with people to make connections within the world of alternative living and provide a place for those who are curious, interested and committed to getting the best out of what this world has to offer.

My goal here is not to pick and choose but to edify and guide those who need more then just the cookie cutter world of the BDSM, D/s or swinger lifestyle. The Dallas Fort Worth area is full of places to meet people who are interested in this world. There are some who have dedicated their lives to this world and have a lot to offer and there are some who just want to know what it’s about and need a place to learn. Well this is the place for both of those groups of people.

What this place is not about is nonsense, this is not a place to harass people and beg them for pics and cybersex. If that’s your cup of tea then try a different brand or go someplace else please. This is an open forum but it will be moderated and abuse will not be tolerated.

I will post on this group every night my thought of the day, an article or some piece of literature to enlighten those who are interested. I ask that you join me and do the same; not every night of course but a contribution every now and then to share with the rest of this community.

Once I have enough members involved I will start to organize activities and add more content. I am interested at this time in finding people with the following skills: Video Production, Camera men/women, Web designers, programmers and businessmen and women. I have a project in the works that you might be interested in.

If you have gotten this far I want to welcome you and ask that you join and post your comments. If you have something to contribute by all means please do so. In a nut shell this group will be what we make it. Its success or failure will depend on the commitment that members provide.

So come in and lets meet and talk and even get together if that’s what you desire and make North Texas Alternative Forum a reality.


You’re Moderator

各種話題: 建議, 肛交, 成熟/年齡差異, 窒息/呼吸玩家們, 臀部迷戀, 黑人熟女, 特殊性癖好友好企業, 特殊性癖好提供, 雙性戀, 身體穿刺, 烙印, 項圈/套住項圈, 承諾儀式, 電腦及網際網路, 緊身褡, 舔陰, 支配慾很強的女子, 色老頭們, 主人, 牢獄, 優勢玩家, 電玩, 娛樂, 情色藝術, 情色小說, 暴露狂, 淫姦, 口交, 鞭打, 戀足癖, 男同志/女同志, 鋼奴大師/腳鏈族, 束髮帶, 羞辱, 乳膠, 皮類, 被虐待狂, 醫療效果, 模特兒/攝影師, 音樂, 其它, 劈腿族, 小馬之樂, 角色扮演, 奴隸綑綁, 安全性行為, 情趣玩具, 虐待狂, 愛好 – 私密事務, 愛好- 公共事務/俱樂部, 知覺剝奪, 服務, 打屁股, 意見, 訊息交換, 全時完全權力移交生活型態, 服從訓練, 變性/ 扮裝者, 影音/照相術, 水上活動

servant077 56男

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